Saturday, June 28, 2008


This has been an exciting week, culminating in an unexpected hour-long telephone call with Dr. Michael Preston, author of "Medicine of the Mind". I studied extensively with Dr. Preston in the early 1990's and haven't seen or spoken with him in many years. Since he was in his 70's when I studied with him, I wasn't even sure if he was still of this world. An interesting twist of fate that included someone "borrowing" my cherished signed copy of "Medicine of The Mind" about 2 years ago and never returning it actually laid the groundwork for this amazing phone call. For a long time I felt very upset and even angry that someone would keep something that meant so much to me. I thought I knew who borrowed it, and put the word out to many people in order not to embarrass the person, about how important this signed book was to me. A few weeks ago I came to terms with the fact it was probably gone forever, and decided to wish the person well and hope the book helped them or someone else. Funny how as soon as you decide to "let go" of old resentments, the universe offers unexpected rewards.

Dr. Preston said he did remember me and my ex-husband, Ernie, who accompanied me to those trainings in Phoenix. I originally attended to support Ernie, who had Lymphoma, and was immediately enthralled with the field of Medical Hypnotherapy and made it my specialty. Ernie used the techniques he learned from Dr. Preston for many years, and I'm convinced this significantly prolonged his life. Ernie died about 1 1/2 years ago of a different disease. During the phone call, Dr. Preston offered me bits of insight about working with what he calls "patients", and I refer to as "clients". I told him, ironically, I will be presenting a seminar based on his "Library" technique next month in Orlando for the Hypnosis Education Association, and he began to review his technique over the phone. I wish I had been able to record this phone call, but alas, it is only recorded in my mind and in the scribbles of furious notes I was taking.

Dr. Preston has been very ill for about 6 years now, following a fall from a ladder. Interestingly, I remember the very first seminar I attended in Phoenix with him. He was telling us a story about falling off a ladder a couple of years earlier (remember he was in his 70's at that time!) and as he lay unconscious in the hospital, having lost an enormous amount of blood, the doctor told his son not to be too optimistic because of his fathers age. Little did that doctor know that as soon as Dr. Preston fell and cracked his head open, in the unconscious state he began to give orders to his body to stop the bleeding and start the healing process. Being a doctor, he knew the precise directions to give his mind/body, and a few days later when he came out of the coma he began yelling at the doctor and repeating every word he had said to his son. The doctor was shocked, needless to say, as Dr. Preston lectured him on never using such negative language in the room with someone who is unconscious, because they DO hear every word and not everyone is trained as he is to ignore such limiting comments. After telling the class this story, he went on to convince us that there is absolutely no reason we can't live to 126 and beyond.

I found it interesting that his latest illness was caused from "falling off a ladder", and all I could think was, if I were Dr. Preston I would definitely stay away from ladders! He has evidently extended his previous forecast, in spite of his current condition, and said several times during our conversation that "400" years old is his expectation. I thought I had been optimistic by taking his "126" prediction and adding years every year since then to arrive now at an estimation of "187". Guess I need to readjust my expectations.

The wonderful result of this phone call is that Dr. Preston is sending me another signed copy of his book, and I also ordered 10 more books to make available to my students at UP Hypnosis Institute. I believe this new "reconnection" with Dr. Preston was destined, and I plan to do whatever is necessary to introduce my students and other audiences to his skills and techniques.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

sounds like a book I will want to add to my library Patti!